Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Hall beach 11/09/13

Venue              Hall Beach.

Anglers            Myself.

Weather           Rain.

Bait                  Lug , Rag , Mussel , Crab   

Had some bait left from the other day so I thought I would
use it up tonight headed for the hall beach when I got there
there was a nice sea still on I wasn't expecting much and I
was right fished for 4 hours with only a few small bites then
last cast this saved my blank.
Again lugworm was the bait.

Cullernose Point. 09/09/13

Venue           Cullernose point

Anglers         Myself , Julie

Weather        Sunny.

Bait               Lug , Rag , Mussel , Crab.

Me and Julie headed up north for a bit fishing see if we could wangle
a cod or 2 out we have never fished this mark before so we didn't know
what to expect we got there about 10.45am we fished a few hours down
and a few hour up first cast I managed a size codling which went back
to fight another day.

then loads of bites that we missed I put that down to being a bit rusty
its was our first session in a few month haha . Julie hooked into a lobby
but on the lift it dropped so all she was the nipper.
An hour later she managed a codling just under size.

We had more bites after that, that we missed again put down to being rusty
 haha anyway last cast I managed to pull in a codling just under size as well
all fish took lug and wouldn't go for anything else.

Here is a pic looking north of where we were you can see dunstanburgh
castle which is a good mark as well.

and south toward howick